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    You only need

    One Platform.

    robolaunch empowers teams to create and manage cutting-edge apps

    robotics, autonomous driving, and AI/ML that demand GPU power.

    All without the need for any infrastructure, while working from anywhere!

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One Platform, Limitless Use Cases

AI/ML Development

Build models through cloud IDEs coupled with a GPU based VDI to train and run models enabling engineers to focus on their applications not the complicated infrastructure!

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Robot Development

Develop, train and deploy robotics applications for any use case you have through a all in one ready environment. Work together with your team and transfer dev to prod faster!

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Fleet Management

Command your robotic fleet effortlessly: connect, assign tasks, teleoperate, and monitor. Elevate your operations with seamless fleet management, making every robot count.

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Unlock AI&Robotics solutions 
with Effortless Ease!

robolaunch is a cutting-edge platform designed for AI and robotics development, leveraging containerization, Kubernetes orchestration, and GPU capabilities. 

It provides instant development environments with pre-configured setups, ensuring your code is always accessible via a URL. With one-click deployment, collaborative coding from anywhere, and a seamless shift to cloud-based development, it streamlines software development, onboards new developers in minutes, and offers powerful server resources, all while running a fully-functional browser in a virtual environment.

Streamlined Development

With robolaunch's containerized, Kubernetes-orchestrated environment, enjoy instant setup, easy code access via URLs, and seamless deployment, making software development a breeze.

Empowered Collaboration

Go from local to global effortlessly. Collaborate with your team anywhere, onboard new developers in minutes, and harness the power of robust servers to build and innovate together.

GPU-Powered Performance

Leverage GPU resources for AI and robotics development, ensuring high-performance computing, while a virtual browser environment keeps your workflow smooth and efficient.

Cloud-First Approach

Shift your software development paradigm to the cloud, going from development to production with a single click, all while creating and deploying code together, wherever you are.

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Suitable for Enterprise Needs

We understand that enterprise needs vary, and flexibility is key. That's why our cutting-edge Dev Infra isn't limited to the cloud – it can seamlessly extend to on-premise environments tailored to our customers' specific requirements. 

Whether in the cloud or on-site, robolaunch empowers enterprises to harness the full potential of their development infrastructure, ensuring that your AI and robotics projects are perfectly aligned with your business objectives.

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Get started with any AI/Robotics project

Try a better development experience for challenging applications (robotics, autonomous driving, AI/ML)

for faster, more reliable and scalable development.


more frequent deployments


faster dev to prod conversion


less time on unplanned work


reduced development costs

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